The market (NASDAQ average) beta is 1, while Torchlight Energy Resources's is 2.0304. volatility (beta: 1.00) Low Highīeta is a measure of a share's volatility in relation to the market. A popular way to gauge a stock's volatility is its "beta". Over the last 12 months, Torchlight Energy Resources's shares have ranged in value from as little as $0 up to $0. Torchlight Energy Resources share price volatility However, indirectly, the new 75% lower share price could have impacted the market appetite for Torchlight Energy Resources shares which in turn could have impacted Torchlight Energy Resources's share price. This wouldn't directly have changed the overall worth of your Torchlight Energy Resources shares – just the quantity. So if you had owned 1 share the day before before the split, the next day you'd have owned 4 shares.

Torchlight Energy Resources's shares were split on a 4:1 basis on 14 December 2010. Have Torchlight Energy Resources's shares ever split?

We're not expecting Torchlight Energy Resources to pay a dividend over the next 12 months. TTM: trailing 12 months Torchlight Energy Resources share dividends Torchlight Energy Resources financials Revenue TTM With no account fee, the mobile app is clean and intuitive to use. We chose Wealthsimple for this category because it offers commission-free trading. We chose Interactive Brokers for this category because it offers extensive trading capabilities and access to advanced trading tools to help traders in their investing journey, as well as access to a large number of international stock exchanges. In addition, students can take advantage of special pricing for making trades if they have a CIBC Student Bank account. We chose CIBC Investor's Edge for this category because it offers low and competitive fees, as well as an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface and provides a number of learning resources to help you get acquainted with the platform. We encourage you to compare stock platforms to find one that's best for your particular budget and goals. You can learn more about our methodology here. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from, whether to create or compile, post to other websites, directly or indirectly, as text, video or audio, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent our express prior written consent.We evaluate stock trading platforms against a range of metrics that include fees, ease of use, available securities and advanced tools to meet specific investor needs. Any other use, including for any commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited without our express prior written consent. You may use and the contents contained in solely for your own individual non-commercial and informational purposes only. Liable for your own investment decisions and agree to the Users should not base their investment decision upon. is a research service that provides financial data and technical analysis of publicly traded stocks.Īll users should speak with their financial advisor before buying or selling any securities. This combination of meme stock hysteria and merger excitement helped drive this stock in recent weeks.

Indeed, retail investors have jumped on this stock prior to the announcement, spurring additional interest in Torchlight. Shareholders approved the deal on June 11, and Torchlight is set to become a much larger entity in short order as a result. The companys highly touted merger with Metamaterial has driven most of the excitement in this stock.

And many of the reasons for this volatility appear to still exist, painting a rather interesting picture for how this stock will perform over the near term. However, this kind of volatility is stomach-churning. Now, investors who have held through this uncertainty are still up. Shares went from around $3.50 to nearly $11, falling back down to the $5 level of late. Since mid-June, shares of TRCH stock have been on an absolute rollercoaster ride. Torchlight Energy (NASDAQ:TRCH) has taken its investors on a wild ride over the last little while, but Friday, the ride pointed skyward. Torchlight Shines Bright 02:50pm, Friday, 25'th Jun 2021 Baystreet Canada