For example, when Samus gets past certain enemies, they actually cause "interference".The Metroid Prime Trilogy, which also has some Interface Screw elements similar to Crysis, though Metroid Prime predates it by several years.Other things, take form in the game world, like the weapon shop which is an old computer in a shack, or the map which is an actual map held by the Player Character in front of the camera. Common things like your health bar and ammo counter are on screen for good. Far Cry 2 has a mix of diegetic and traditional interfaces.

All of this is a wee bit strange when you consider that the Crysis: Legion book calls it a "Brain-Up Display," like a neural interface, but there is some acknowledged discontinuity between the two. Crysis 2 also adds a gorgeous new bobbing effect for the HUD when you move, and makes it look more realistic (like a fighter plane HUD).Crysis, which overlaps with Interface Screw when certain enemies and weapons (like EMPs) cause your HUD to go fuzzy or fail entirely.Strangely, Gordon is never depicted wearing a helmet, unlike several other anonymous scientists found wearing the same suit, helmet included. Half-Life (and its sequels and add-ons), also with Powered Armor.During Noble Six's Last Stand in Halo: Reach, the visor, and thus the interface, Shows Damage. Your HUD is projected on the inside of your helmet's visor, and some weapons have readouts as well: small LCDs for human weapons, and holograms for the aliens. Halo, a First-Person Shooter in which you usually play as a Space Marine wearing Powered Armor.In DOOM (2016) the Praetor suit's internal helmet display functions as the HUD, displaying transmissions, signalling impact compensation, and even reacting to the installation of tether technology.